Thursday 5 January 2012

All Kindled up

Another year gone, another year of mad Christmas panic is over and done with. Christmas is undoubtedly my favourite time of year, but it seems to be a long, hideously drawn out process which is all, quite simply, for one day. The build-up easily begins around September time, with advertisements for children's toys, celebratory food, artists vying for the number one Christmas single, even my poor inbox is overloaded with 'SALE!' emails attempting to extract more money from my already depleted bank account.

Then, of course, comes New Year. I can't say I've ever really been a fan of the whole NYE frenzy, or perhaps I'm incredibly bitter that I've clearly never been to a decent welcoming-of-the-new-year party. Now that I'm older (and unfortunately teetotal), NYE seems incredibly...forced? Everyone simply MUST attend a party and MUST enjoy themselves, preferably with alcohol. As 2011 was in its death throes, I was quite happily watching back-to-back episodes of Peep Show and, of course, Jools Holland. Inevitably, I cursed myself that I should be doing more, should be at a party or large social gathering. A) I wasn't invited anywhere and B) I think we are all conditioned to think this. However, enough of my ramblings.

Aside from my complaints, I'm always incredibly grateful for the gifts that I receive around this time. This year (well, last year now!) I was lucky enough to receive the brand new slimline Kindle. It was a complete shock as I hadn't really made any comments about it, or any other form of E-Reader. As I've previously mentioned, reading and myself haven't exactly seen eye to eye for pretty much 2 years or so. I've really struggled to devote myself to any books, as the desire and drive just isn't there. Depressing in a way, as I have always had a passion for reading and the written word, how ironic. I have a stack of classic books that I'm desperate to read, but inexplicably can't face them. I told a lie, I have had a vague conversation regarding E-Books. I recall that I was slightly haughty, and said that I much prefer the physical closeness that a book provides, holding it in my hands and turning the pages. Hence my surprise on Christmas morning to pull back the wrapping paper and see a Kindle box staring back at me.

I do still love a physical book, in fact I received three rather beautiful leather bound copies of classic books which now sit proudly on my bookcase, still wrapped in their plastic which I'm terrified to take off. But I'm hoping that the Kindle will be my own personal New Year. A new start, a new me where I rediscover my love of literature. As it is such an expensive present, that does provide the impetus somewhat!

I've only made one purchase thus far, that of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It is one of my favourite texts to read, despite being only a few pages long. One small step for the Kindle, one giant (?) leap for me.

All the signs of change are there, but what to buy and read next?....

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